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Welcome to FragmentDID's blog.
K - Keeping House with Mental Illness
In my previous post I talked about how my struggle with housekeeping really frustrates me. Even though during my worst moments I use it...
J - Judging Myself
I am incredibly hard on myself.
I - Isolation
But there persists a certain weariness of the world.
H - High-Functioning
High-functioning is a label that describes how well you can perform to societal expectations...
G - Ghosts or Hallucinations: Spirituality and Mental Illness
We have some very strong supernatural beliefs. Still, we are very strong proponents of science.
F - The Favorite Person and Healthy Relationships
I set about figuring out how to get over my FP while maintaining a relationship with them.
E - Running on Empty
These days I don't even have enough energy or brainpower to work on my hobbies.
D - Diagnosis and Self-Definition
I know you're not supposed to define yourself based on your mental illness, but it's hard not to...
C - Codependency and Friendship
From the outside looking in, it can look like I excel at friendships. I seem to get to know people pretty easily. And I have quite a few...
B - Boredom When Not in Fight or Flight
Life is pretty boring these days, and that's supposed to be a good thing. I'm supposed to want a calm, easy life with no drama. But in my...
A - Am I Autistic?
*We are a DID system and the alter fronting will often use we and I interchangeably. Over the past few months we've silently been dealing...
Disability and Productivity
We’ve had a week of productivity and now the body is done. I have to admit, I’m not the best housekeeper. None of us are, except for...
The Shifting Sands of the Inner World
One of the most fascinating aspects of DID, to me, is the inner world. The inner world is where alters go when they’re not fronting,...
Moving toward Acceptance
I had my first group therapy session. It was a very welcoming, warm group. I felt safe. I disclosed that I have DID. It didn’t elicit...
Trusting the System
It’s incredibly difficult to live with a mental illness, and also be extremely self aware. I am perhaps too aware of self (although my...
Meet the Crew
Now that we’ve given a brief introduction to who we are as a system, I supposed I should introduce who some of our main peeps are. These...
Let Us Introduce Ourselves
We are so grateful to DID.we.write for allowing us a space to share our voice. We first met through Instagram, and I’m not sure how, but...
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