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Being an artist for us is having the opportunity to let our soul feel...

Writer's picture: Amber Louise AinsworthAmber Louise Ainsworth

We're so happy to be sharing art and writing from SomoS TID. They're a partial DID System from Puerto Rico who have been using their art to heal and connect with other systems.

Below is their words first in Spanish, then you'll find the English translation that we edited for clarity. We hope you enjoy their artwork and story as much as we have, and go give them a follow on Instagram here if you would like to see more from them! - Mia.

Comencé a tener sospechas de que me sucedía algo en la universidad cuando comencé a estudiar fotografía. No tenía muchas amistades y tenía que entregar trabajos de retrato para la clase. Comencé a hacer autoretratos y me encontré mirando mi propia imagen como si fuera alguien más y me cuestioné el porqué veía ajena mi propia imagen.

Escribí una canción durante este mismo tiempo sobre esta parte de mi que sentía que me protegía y se sentía como otra persona (hombre) en ese momento no tenía ni idea de qué era.

Desde los 13 años he tenido confusión de identidad y también de orientación sexual. Creando en mi una batalla interna que no comprendía que alteraba mi percepción física y personal.

Comencé a ir a terapia a mis 26 años luego de empezar a convivir con mi actual pareja (hombre) comencé a experimentar comportamientos extraños y tuve fuertes episodios de disociación, desrealizacion y despersonalizacion (anteriormente ya había tenido estos episodios pero no fue hasta entonces que empeoraron). tenía miedo de dañar la relación porque no entendía mi comportamiento y cada vez era mas y mas pesado todo emocionalmente.

Mi actual terapeuta me diagnosticó con TID parcial.

Ha sido una montaña rusa porque aunque uno lo experimente no lo comprende del todo.

Mis pensamientos suicidas han sido mucho mas fuertes y constantes porque la pelea interna es mas clara y mas fuerte.

Me he refugiado en el arte desde siempre y ahora ilustro sobre nuestra experiencia con el TID.

Aun estamos en proceso de sanación y queremos aportar un poco en la comunidad para que seamos visto de manera real y que las personas puedan aprender a relacionarse con los sistemas.

El arte ha sido mi espacio seguro para liberar todo lo que hay en este cuerpo.

Hacemos música, artes plásticas, poesía, fotografía e ilustraciones.

Crecimos en una familia donde habían músicos así que la música fue mi escape siempre desde temprana edad.

Luego ya no era suficiente y comencé a dibujar porque era placentero ver (ilustrado) lo que experimentaba dentro de mi.

Ahora nuestro arte ha ayudado a muchos en la comunidad hispana para poder explicar a otros que no son sistema las experiencias con las que se sienten identificados.

Ser artista para nosotros es tener la oportunidad de dejar sentir nuestra alma y tocar el alma de los demás de la manera más pura y honesta que pueda ser.

El arte en nuestro sistema no es igual siempre y eso nos gusta mucho porque cada parte en el sistema tiene su estilo y su manera de expresarse lo cual hace que nos podamos expresar mas de una vez sobre el mismo tema.

English translation...

I’m a 30 year old partial DID system from Puerto Rico. I started to suspect something was wrong with me at university when I started studying photography. I didn't have many friends and had to turn in portrait assignments for the class. I started doing self-portraits and I found myself looking at my own image as if it were someone else and I questioned why I saw my own image as someone else's.

I wrote a song during this same time about this part of me that felt like it protected me and felt like another person at the time I had no idea what it was. Since I was 13 years old I have had confusion of identity and also of sexual orientation, creating inside an internal battle that I did not understand, that altered my physical and personal perception.

When I was 26 I began therapy, after starting to live with my current partner I began to experience strange behaviors and had strong episodes of dissociation, derealization and depersonalization - I had previously had these episodes but it was not until I started living with my current partner that they worsened... I was afraid of damaging the relationship because I didn't understand my behavior and it was getting more and more emotionally heavy.

My current therapist diagnosed me with partial DID. It has been a roller coaster because even if you experience it you don't fully understand it. My suicidal thoughts have been much stronger and more constant because the internal fight is clearer and stronger. I have always taken refuge in art and now I illustrate our experience with DID.

We grew up in a family where there were musicians so music was always my outlet from an early age. Then it wasn't enough anymore and I started drawing because it was pleasant to see what I experienced inside of me illustrated. Art has been my safe space to release everything in this body. We make music, plastic arts, poetry, photography and illustrations.

Now our art has helped many in the Hispanic community to be able to explain to others who are not the system the experiences with which they feel identified.

Being an artist for us is having the opportunity to let our soul feel and touch the souls of others in the purest and most honest way possible.

The art in our system is not always the same and we like that a lot because each part of the system has its style and its way of expressing theirselves, which means that we can express ourselves our differing opinions on the same subject.

We are still in the process of healing and we want to contribute a little to the community so that we are seen in a real way and that people can learn to relate to other systems.

Massive thanks to SomoS TID for allowing us to share their amazing work!!


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